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Appendix 1 - Server-side Rendering, getServerSideProps & handlers

Next.js allow for pre-rendering page content using Server-side Rendering (SSR).

It is done by defining a function with the special name getServerSideProps. That function will be called on the backend and it's result will be sent to the function component.

Let's adjust the index.tsx code to get the page rendered on the server, including the list of tasks - using getServerSideProps

// src/pages/index.tsx

import { InferGetServerSidePropsType } from "next"
import remultApi from "./api/[...remult]"
export const getServerSideProps = remultApi.getServerSideProps(async req => {
  return {
    props: {
      tasks: await fetchTasks()

export default function Home(
  props: InferGetServerSidePropsType<typeof getServerSideProps>
) {
  const [tasks, setTasks] = useState<Task[]>(props.tasks)
  useEffect(() => {
    if (session.status === "unauthenticated") signIn()
    //else fetchTasks().then(setTasks); <-- Delete this line
  }, [session])
  1. We wrap the implementation of the getServerSideProps with a call to remultApi's getServerSideProps method that gets the function as a parameter. This method makes sure that the request is processed with a valid remult object that is already configured according the the user of the request.

  2. We use the InferGetServerSidePropsType type from next, to infer the return value of the getServerSideProps function

  3. We set the initial tasks state with the tasks received in the props

  4. In the useEffect method we remove the call to fetchTasks since these tasks are already received in the props.

Applying Access Rules

The getServerSideProps runs on the backend, and is not subject to the apiAllowed rules - so we'll need to do that ourselves based on the metadata of the entity

export const getServerSideProps = remultApi.getServerSideProps(async req => {
  return {
    props: {
      tasks: taskRepo.metadata.apiReadAllowed ? await fetchTasks() : []

Using remult in a next.js api handler

To use remult in a next.js handler, we need to wrap the function with remult's handle method

// src/pages/api/taskCount.ts

import { remult } from "remult"
import { Task } from "../../shared/tasks"
import api from "./[...remult]"

export default api.handle(async (req, res) => {
  const taskRepo = remult.repo(Task)
    total: await taskRepo.count(),
    completed: await taskRepo.count({ completed: true })

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