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Authentication and Authorization

Our todo app is nearly functionally complete, but it still doesn't fulfill a very basic requirement - that users should log in before they can view, create or modify tasks.

Remult provides a flexible mechanism that enables placing code-based authorization rules at various levels of the application's API. To maintain high code cohesion, entity and field-level authorization code should be placed in entity classes.

Remult is completely unopinionated when it comes to user authentication. You are free to use any kind of authentication mechanism, and only required to provide Remult with an object which implements the Remult UserInfo interface.

In this tutorial, we'll use method outlined in the Authentication article of SolidStart

Tasks CRUD Requires Sign-in

This rule is implemented within the Task @Entity decorator, by modifying the value of the allowApiCrud property. This property can be set to a function that accepts a Remult argument and returns a boolean value. Let's use the Allow.authenticated function from Remult.

// src/app/shared/Task.ts

@Entity("tasks", {
    allowApiCrud: Allow.authenticated

Import Allow

This code requires adding an import of Allow from remult.

After the browser refreshes, the list of tasks disappeared and the user can no longer create new tasks.

Inspect the HTTP error returned by the API using cURL
curl -i http://localhost:3000/api/tasks

Authorized server-side code can still modify tasks

Although client CRUD requests to tasks API endpoints now require a signed-in user, the API endpoint created for our setAllCompleted server function remains available to unauthenticated requests. Since the allowApiCrud rule we implemented does not affect the server-side code's ability to use the Task entity class for performing database CRUD operations, the setAllCompleted function still works as before.

To fix this, let's implement the same rule using the @BackendMethod decorator of the setAllCompleted method of TasksController.

// src/shared/TasksController.ts

@BackendMethod({ allowed: Allow.authenticated })

This code requires adding an import of Allow from remult.

User Authentication

Let's set-up SolidStart authentication to authenticate users to our app.

Backend setup

  1. Create an auth.ts file in the src folder with the following code.

    // src/auth.ts
    import { action, redirect } from '@solidjs/router'
    import { useSession } from 'vinxi/http'
    import { type UserInfo } from 'remult'
    const validUsers: UserInfo[] = [
      { id: '1', name: 'Jane' },
      { id: '2', name: 'Steve' },
    export async function getSession() {
      'use server'
      return await useSession<{ user?: UserInfo }>({
          process.env['SESSION_SECRET'] ||
          'Something secret used for development only',
    export const loginAction = action(async (formData: FormData) => {
      'use server'
      const username = String(formData.get('username'))
      try {
        const session = await getSession()
        const user = validUsers.find((x) => === username)
        if (!user) throw Error("Invalid user, try 'Steve' or 'Jane'")
        await session.update({ user })
      } catch (err) {
        return err as Error
      throw redirect('/')
    }, 'login')
    export async function logout() {
      'use server'
      const session = await getSession()
      await session.update({ user: null! })
    export async function getUser() {
      'use server'
      const session = await getSession()
      return session?.data?.user
    • The (very) simplistic loginAction endpoint accepts a FormData with a username property, looks it up in a predefined dictionary of valid users and, if found, sets the user's information to the user property of the request's session.

    • The logout function clears the user value from the current session.

    • The getUser function extracts the value of the current user from the session and returns it.

  2. Create a src/routes/login.tsx file, and place the following code to it:

    // src/routes/login.tsx
    import { useSubmission } from '@solidjs/router'
    import { loginAction } from '../auth.js'
    import { Show } from 'solid-js'
    export default function Home() {
      const sub = useSubmission(loginAction)
      return (
            <form action={loginAction} method="post">
                placeholder="Username, try Steve or Jane"
              <button>Sign in</button>
            <Show when={sub.result?.message}>{sub.result?.message}</Show>
  3. Replace the content of the src/routes/index.tsx file with the following code:

    // src/routes/index.tsx
    import { getUser, logout } from '../auth.js'
    import { useNavigate } from '@solidjs/router'
    import { Show, createSignal, onMount } from 'solid-js'
    import { remult } from 'remult'
    import Todo from '../components/Todo.jsx'
    export default function Home() {
      const [authenticated, setAuthenticated] = createSignal(false)
      const navigate = useNavigate()
      onMount(async () => {
        remult.user = await getUser()
        if (remult.authenticated()) setAuthenticated(true)
        else navigate('/login')
      return (
        <Show when={authenticated()}>
            Hello {remult.user?.name}
              onClick={async () => logout().then(() => navigate('/login'))}
          <Todo />
    • We use the onMount hook the update the remult.user in the frontend, based on the user from the current session. That user info can then be used in the front-end for user roles based content

Solid Hydration error or page not found

As we were working on this tutorial with the rc version of solid start we got this error - we found that hard refreshing the site (Ctrl F5) solves it.

Connect remult-solid-start On the Backend

Once an authentication flow is established, integrating it with Remult in the backend is as simple as providing Remult with a getUser function from the src/auth.ts

// src/api.ts

import { getUser } from "./auth.js"

export const api = remultSolidStart({

The todo app now supports signing in and out, with all access restricted to signed in users only.

Role-based Authorization

Usually, not all application users have the same privileges. Let's define an admin role for our todo app, and enforce the following authorization rules:

  • All signed in users can see the list of tasks.
  • All signed in users can set specific tasks as completed.
  • Only users belonging to the admin role can create, delete or edit the titles of tasks.
  1. Modify the highlighted lines in the Task entity class to reflect the top three authorization rules.
// src/shared/Task.ts

import { Allow, Entity, Fields } from "remult"

@Entity<Task>("tasks", {
  allowApiCrud: Allow.authenticated,
  allowApiInsert: "admin",
  allowApiDelete: "admin"
export class Task {
  id!: string

    validate: (task) => task.title.length > 2 || "Too Short",
    allowApiUpdate: "admin"
  title = ""

  completed = false
  1. Let's give the user "Jane" the admin role by modifying the roles array of her validUsers entry.
// src/auth.ts

const validUsers = [
  { id: "1", name: "Jane", roles: ["admin"] },
  { id: "2", name: "Steve" }

Sign in to the app as "Steve" to test that the actions restricted to admin users are not allowed. 🔒

Role-based Authorization on the Frontend

From a user experience perspective it only makes sense that users that can't add or delete, would not see these buttons.

Let's reuse the same definitions on the Frontend.

We'll use the entity's metadata to only show the form if the user is allowed to insert

// src/components/Todo.tsx

  <Show when={taskRepo.metadata.apiInsertAllowed()}>
    <form onSubmit={addTask}>
        placeholder="What needs to be done?"
        onInput={(e) => setNewTaskTitle(e.currentTarget.value)}

Import Show

This code requires adding an import of Show from solid-js.

And let's do the same for the delete button:

// src/components/Todo.tsx

return (
      oninput={(e) => setCompleted(}
      onInput={(e) => setTasks(i(), "title",}
    <button onClick={saveTask}>Save</button>
    <Show when={taskRepo.metadata.apiDeleteAllowed()}>
      <button onClick={deleteTask}>Delete</button>

This way we can keep the frontend consistent with the api's Authorization rules

  • Note We send the task to the apiDeleteAllowed method, because the apiDeleteAllowed option, can be sophisticated and can also be based on the specific item's values.

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