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You can deploy the application to a standard node.js server, or a server-less server.

We'll review both options.

Deploy to a node.js server

Let's deploy the todo app to

In order to deploy the todo app to railway you'll need a railway account. You'll also need Railway CLI installed, and you'll need to login to railway from the cli, using railway login.

Click enter multiple times to answer all its questions with the default answer

  1. Create a Railway project.

    From the terminal in your project folder run:

    railway init
  2. Select Empty Project

  3. Set a project name.

  4. Once it's done add a database by running the following command:

    railway add
  5. Select postgressql as the database.

  6. Once that's done run the following command to upload the project to railway:

    railway up
  7. got to the railway project's site and click on the project

  8. Switch to the settings tab

  9. Under Environment click on Generate Domain

  10. Copy the generated url, you'll need it for NEXTAUTH_URL on step 14

  11. Switch to the variables tab

  12. Click on + New Variable, and in the VARIABLE_NAME click Add Reference and select DATABASE_URL

  13. Add another variable called SESSION_SECRET and set it to a random string, you can use an online UUID generator

  14. Add another variable called NEXTAUTH_URL and set it to the generated url which was created on step 10.

  15. Wait for railway to finish deploying your changes and Click on the newly generated url to open the app in the browser and you'll see the app live in production. (it may take a few minutes to go live)


If you run into trouble deploying the app to Railway, try using Railway's documentation.

That's it - our application is deployed to production, on a node js server

Next we'll explore deployment to a server-less environment.

Deploying to a serverless environment

LiveQuery Serverless Support

Any serverless platform can't be used to maintain an active subscription channel for our live query, we'll need to use a 3rd party provider for that.

If you're not using liveQuery you can skip to the next step.

In this demo, we'll use Follow these steps only if you want to use liveQuery in the app

  1. sh
    npm i ably
  2. Goto create a user and click on the "Create new app" button

  3. Select a name and click create app

  4. Click on the API Keys button on top.

  5. Copy the first api key (with the many capabilities), create an entry in the .env.local file, name it ABLY_API_KEY and paste the api key there.

  6. Configure ably as the subscriptionServer

    // src/api.ts
    import ably from "ably"
    import { AblySubscriptionServer } from "remult/ably"
    const api = remultNextApp({
      subscriptionServer: new AblySubscriptionServer(
        new ably.Rest(process.env["ABLY_API_KEY"]!)
  7. Next, we'll need to create a route that ably's client on the front-end will use to get a token for a user that wants to subscribe to a channel - in the src/app/api folder, createa folder called getAblyToken and in it create a file called route.ts

    // src/app/api/getAblyToken/route.ts
    import ably from 'ably'
    import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
    export async function POST() {
      const token = await new ably.Rest(
      ).auth.createTokenRequest({ capability: { '*': ['subscribe'] } })
      return NextResponse.json(token)
  1. Configure the front-end to use ably as it's subscriptionClient by adding a new useEffect hook and configure ably to use the api/getAblyToken route we've created as it's authUrl - we'll that in the Auth component

    // src/components/auth.tsx
    import ably from "ably"
    import { AblySubscriptionClient } from "remult/ably"
    export default function Auth() {
      const session = useSession()
      remult.user = as UserInfo
      useEffect(() => {
        if (session.status === "unauthenticated") signIn()
        else if (session.status === "authenticated")
          remult.apiClient.subscriptionClient = new AblySubscriptionClient(
            new ably.Realtime({ authUrl: "/api/getAblyToken", authMethod: "POST" })
      }, [session])
  2. Configure remultNextApp to store live-queries in the dataProvider

    // src/api.ts
    import { DataProviderLiveQueryStorage } from "remult/server"
    const dataProvider = createPostgresDataProvider()
    const api = remultNextApp({
      liveQueryStorage: new DataProviderLiveQueryStorage(dataProvider)

Let's deploy the todo app to vercel.


We'll use vercel's postgres as out database, and that requires the following changes to the createPostgresDataProvider options.

// src/api.ts

const dataProvider = createPostgresDataProvider({
  connectionString: process.env["POSTGRES_URL"] || process.env["DATABASE_URL"],
  configuration: {
    ssl: Boolean(process.env["POSTGRES_URL"]),
  • Vercel sends the connection string using the POSTGRES_URL environment variable, other providers use the DATABASE_URL - this code supports them both.
  • Ssl is required with vercel - by my local pg doesn't, so we condition ssl based on the environment variable.

Create a github repo

Vercel deploys automatically whenever you push to github, so the first step of deployment is to create a github repo and push all your changes to it.

Create a vercel project

  1. Create a vercel account if you don't already have one.
  2. Goto
  3. Select your github repo and click import
  4. Configure the project's name and in the > Environment Variables section, NEXTAUTH_SECRET and ABLY_API_KEY environment variables
  5. Click Deploy
  6. Now we need to define the postgres database.
  7. Wait for vercel to complete it's deployment
  8. Click on Continue to Dashboard
  9. Select the Storage tab
  10. Create new Database and select Postgres
  11. Accept the terms
  12. Select region and click Create & continue
  13. Click Connect
  14. Click on Settings, Environment Variables and see that the POSTGRES_URL and other environment variables were added.
  15. At the time of this article, vercel did not yet automatically redeploy once you configure a database, so in order to redeploy, click on the Deployments tab
  16. 3 dots at the end of the deployment line and select Redeploy and click Redeploy
  17. Once completed click on 'Visit'.

That's it - our application is deployed to production on vercel, play with it and enjoy.

Code at this stage

To see a larger more complex code base, visit our CRM example project

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