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Authentication and Authorization

Our todo app is nearly functionally complete, but it still doesn't fulfill a very basic requirement - that users should log in before they can view, create or modify tasks.

Remult provides a flexible mechanism that enables placing code-based authorization rules at various levels of the application's API. To maintain high code cohesion, entity and field-level authorization code should be placed in entity classes.

Remult is completely unopinionated when it comes to user authentication. You are free to use any kind of authentication mechanism. The only requirement is that you provide Remult with an object which implements the Remult UserInfo interface:

export interface UserInfo {
  id: string
  name?: string
  roles?: string[]

In this tutorial, we'll use Auth.js for authentication.

Tasks CRUD Requires Sign-in

This rule is implemented within the Task @Entity decorator, by modifying the value of the allowApiCrud property. This property can be set to a function that accepts a Remult argument and returns a boolean value. Let's use the Allow.authenticated function from Remult.

import { Allow } from 'remult'

@Entity("tasks", {
    allowApiCrud: Allow.authenticated

After the browser refreshes, the list of tasks disappears and the user can no longer create new tasks.

Inspect the HTTP error returned by the API using cURL
curl -i http://localhost:5173/api/tasks

Server-side Authorization

Open your database (db/tasks.json), and click on Mark All Completed and Mark All Incomplete buttons in turn. You will notice that the completed field is toggling.

Although client CRUD requests to tasks API endpoints now require a signed-in user, the API endpoint created for our setAllCompleted server function remains available to unauthenticated requests. Since the allowApiCrud rule we implemented does not affect the server-side code's ability to use the Task entity class for performing database CRUD operations, the setAllCompleted function still works as before.

To fix this, let's implement the same rule using the @BackendMethod decorator of the setAllCompleted method of TasksController.

import { Allow } from 'remult'

@BackendMethod({ allowed: Allow.authenticated })

Try toggling the completed field and you will notice that we now require to be authenticated - even on the backend.

User Authentication

Let's set-up Auth.js to authenticate users to our app.

Backend setup

  1. Install auth-core and auth-sveltekit:

    npm i @auth/core @auth/sveltekit
  2. Auth.js requires a "secret" - a random string used to hash tokens, sign cookies and generate cryptographic keys.

Create a file called .env.local at the root of the project, and set the secret AUTH_SECRET to a random string.



You can use an online UUID generator to generate a completely random string

  1. In +hooks.server.ts, let's create two handles
  • handleAuth to handle authentication from Auth.js with a list of allowed users.
  • handleRemult to provide the remult context.

Using Sveltekit's sequence, we ensure the chain of handles. The results would look like this:

import type { Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit'
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks'
import { SvelteKitAuth } from '@auth/sveltekit'
import Credentials from '@auth/sveltekit/providers/credentials'
import { _api } from './routes/api/[...remult]/+server'
import type { UserInfo } from 'remult'

 * Users that are allowed to log in.
const validUsers: UserInfo[] = [
  { id: '1', name: 'Jane', roles: ['admin'] },
  { id: '2', name: 'Steve' },

 * Handle authentication with authjs as an example
 * Based on article at
export const { handle: handleAuth } = SvelteKitAuth({
  trustHost: true,
  providers: [
      credentials: {
        name: {
          placeholder: 'Try Steve or Jane',
      authorize: (info) =>
        validUsers.find((user) => === info?.name) || null,
  callbacks: {
    session: ({ session, token }) => ({
      user: validUsers.find((user) => === token?.sub),

 * Handle remult server side
const handleRemult: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
  return await _api.withRemult(event, async () => await resolve(event))

export const handle = sequence(
  // 1. Handle authentication
  // 2. Handle remult server side

This (very) simplistic approach use Auth.js Credentials Provider to authorize users by looking up the user's name in a predefined list of valid users.

We've configured the session callback to include the user info as part of the session data, so that Remult on the frontend will have the authorization info.

  1. Finally, add getUser to remultSveltekit to tell remult who is connected. Inside this function, you have access to event, where the session was set by Auth.js before.
import { remultSveltekit } from 'remult/remult-sveltekit'
import { Task } from './shared/Task'
import { TasksController } from './shared/TasksController'
import type { UserInfo } from 'remult'

export const _api = remultSveltekit({
  entities: [Task],
  controllers: [TasksController],
  getUser: async (event) => {
    const auth = await event?.locals?.auth() 
    return auth?.user as UserInfo


In a real life application, you will need to authorize your users going to the database. As Auth is done before remult, the remult object is not available yet. Of course, there is a way, use withRemult as follows

// old code
// authorize: (info) => validUsers.find((user) => === info?.name) || null,

// new code
authorize: async (info, request) => {
  const res = await _api.withRemult({ request } as any, async () => {
    // remult object is now available
    let user = await remult.repo(User).findFirst({
      //... getting your  user based on `info`

    if (user) {
      // Don't return everything, just what is needed in the frontend
      return {
        roles: user.roles,

    // No user found
    return null

  return res

Frontend setup

  1. Create a new +layout.server.ts to update remult.user
import type { LayoutServerLoad } from './$types'
import { redirect } from "@sveltejs/kit"
import { remult } from "remult"

// will protect every route in the app
export const load = async () => {
  if (!remult.authenticated()) {
    throw redirect(303, "/auth/signin")
  return {
    user: remult.user,
} satisfies LayoutServerLoad
  1. In our front-end (+layout.svelte), update the user globally.
<script lang="ts">
  import { remult } from 'remult'
  import type { LayoutData } from './$types'

  export let data: LayoutData

  $: remult.user = data.user

  <title>Remult - SvelteKit</title>

<slot />

The todo app now supports signing in and out, with all access restricted to signed in users only.

Role-based Authorization

Usually, not all application users have the same privileges. You will notice that our UserInfo contains a roles array. Information contained in this array can be used to enforce role-based authorization.

For our todo app we need to enforce the following authorization rules:

  • All signed in users can see the list of tasks.
  • All signed in users can set specific tasks as completed.
  • Only users belonging to the admin role can create, delete or edit the titles of tasks.
  1. Modify the highlighted lines in the Task entity class to enforce the three authorization rules above.
import { Allow, Entity, Fields } from 'remult'

@Entity<Task>('tasks', {
  allowApiCrud: Allow.authenticated,
  allowApiInsert: 'admin',
  allowApiDelete: 'admin',
export class Task {
  id!: string

    validate: (task) => {
      if (task.title.length < 3)
        throw 'The title must be at least 3 characters long'
    allowApiUpdate: 'admin',
  title: string = ''

  completed: boolean = false

  completedAt: Date = new Date()

In our list of users - usersDB; we have defined two users - Jane and Steve; with Jane being assigned an admin role.

Sign in to the app alternating between "Jane" and "Steve" to test that the actions restricted to admin users are not allowed. 🔒

Role-based Authorization on the Frontend

From a user experience perspective it only makes sense that users that can't add or delete, would not see these buttons.

Let's reuse the same definitions on the Frontend.

We'll use the entity's metadata to only show the form if the user is allowed to insert


	{#if taskRepo.metadata.apiInsertAllowed()}
		<form on:submit|preventDefault={addTask}>
			<input bind:value={newTaskTitle} placeholder="What needs to be done?" />

And let's do the same for the delete button:

		on:click={(e) => setCompleted(task,}
	<input name="title" bind:value={task.title} />
	<button on:click={() => saveTask(task)}>Save</button>

	{#if taskRepo.metadata.apiDeleteAllowed()}
		<button on:click={() => deleteTask(task)}>Delete</button>

This way we can keep the UI consistent with the api's Authorization rules

  • Note We send the task to the apiDeleteAllowed method, because the apiDeleteAllowed option, can be sophisticated and can also be based on the specific item's values.

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