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Let's deploy the todo app to

Prepare for Production

In order to deploy to a Node.js environment, you need to change Sveltekit's adaptor to @sveltejs/adapter-node.

  1. Install adapter-node:
npm i @sveltejs/adapter-node --save-dev
  1. In svelte.config.js, change the adapter:
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto'
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node'

In order to deploy the todo app to railway you'll need a railway account. You'll also need Railway CLI installed, and you'll need to login to railway from the cli, using railway login.

Click enter multiple times to answer all its questions with the default answer

  1. Create a Railway project.

    From the terminal in your project folder run:

    railway init
  2. Select Empty Project

  3. Set a project name.

  4. Once it's done add a database by running the following command:

    railway add
  5. Select postgressql as the database.

  6. Once that's done run the following command to upload the project to railway:

    railway up
  7. got to the railway project's site and click on the project

  8. Switch to the settings tab

  9. Under Environment click on Generate Domain

  10. Copy the generated url, you'll need it for NEXTAUTH_URL on step 14

  11. Switch to the variables tab

  12. Click on + New Variable, and in the VARIABLE_NAME click Add Reference and select DATABASE_URL

  13. Add another variable called AUTH_SECRET and set it to a random string, you can use an online UUID generator

  14. Add another variable called NEXTAUTH_URL and set it to the generated url which was created on step 10.

  15. Wait for railway to finish deploying your changes and Click on the newly generated url to open the app in the browser and you'll see the app live in production. (it may take a few minutes to go live)


If you run into trouble deploying the app to Railway, try using Railway's documentation.

That's it - our application is deployed to production, on a node js server

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