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Module Augmentation in TypeScript allows you to extend existing types with custom properties or methods. This enhances the functionality of third-party libraries like remult without altering their source code, enabling seamless integration of custom features while maintaining type safety.

In Remult, you can use TypeScript's module augmentation to enhance your application with custom features. Here are some examples:

  1. Add more fields to the User object: Extend the UserInfo interface to include additional fields like email and phone.
  2. Add custom options/metadata to fields and entities: Extend the FieldOptions or EntityOptions interfaces to include custom properties such as placeholderText or helpText.
  3. Add fields/methods to the remult.context object: Extend the RemultContext interface to include additional properties or methods that can be accessed throughout your code.

Setting Up the types.d.ts File for Custom Type Extensions

To set up the types.d.ts file for custom type extensions in Remult:

  1. Create a TypeScript Declaration File: Add a file named types.d.ts in the src folder of your project. This file will be used to declare custom type extensions, such as additional user info fields.

    // src/types.d.ts
    export {}
    declare module 'remult' {
      interface UserInfo {
        phone: string
        email: string

    The export {} is required to indicate that this file is a module, as per the Vue.js documentation on augmenting global properties.

  2. Include the Declaration File in tsconfig: Make sure that the types.d.ts file is included in the include section of your tsconfig.json file. If you have a separate tsconfig for the server, ensure that it's also added there.

    // tsconfig.server.json
      "compilerOptions": {
      "include": ["src/server/**/*", "src/shared/**/*", "src/types.d.ts"] 
  3. Utilize the Custom Fields in Your Code: Once you've defined custom fields in the types.d.ts file and ensured they're included in your tsconfig.json, you can start using them throughout your application. For instance, if you've added phone and email to the UserInfo interface, you can access these properties in your code as follows:

    // Accessing custom user info fields

    This enables you to seamlessly integrate the new fields into your application's logic and user interface.

Enhancing Field and Entity Definitions with Custom Options

One of the key motivations for adding custom options to FieldOptions or EntityOptions is to maintain consistency and centralize the definition of entities and fields in your application. By keeping these definitions close to the entity or field, you ensure a single source of truth for your application's data model. This approach enhances maintainability and readability, as all relevant information and metadata about an entity or field are located in one place. Additionally, it allows for easier integration with UI components, as custom options like placeholderText can be directly accessed and used in your frontend code.

For adding custom options to FieldOptions or EntityOptions, such as placeholderText:

  1. Extend FieldOptions: In your types.d.ts file, extend the FieldOptions interface to include your custom options. For example:

    declare module 'remult' {
      interface FieldOptions<entityType, valueType> {
        placeholderText?: string
    export {}
  2. Set Custom Option: Specify the placeholderText in your entity field options:

    import { Entity, Fields } from 'remult'
    @Entity('tasks', { allowApiCrud: true })
    export class Task {
      id!: string
        placeholderText: 'Please enter a task title', 
      title = ''
      completed = false
  3. Use in UI: Access the custom option in your UI components:


By following these steps, you can extend FieldOptions with custom options that can be utilized throughout your project.

Extending Remult's context Property for Request-Specific Information

Augmenting Remult's context property is particularly useful because it allows you to store and access request-specific information throughout your code. This can be especially handy for including data from the request and utilizing it in entities or backend methods.

For example, you can add a custom property origin to the RemultContext interface:

declare module 'remult' {
  export interface RemultContext {
    origin?: string

Then, set the origin property in the initRequest option in the api.ts file:

export const api = remultExpress({
  initRequest: async (_, req) => {
    remult.context.origin = req.headers.origin
  entities: [Task],

You can now use the origin property anywhere in your code, for example:

@BackendMethod({ allowed: Roles.admin })
static async doSomethingImportant() {

or in an entity's saving event:

@Entity<Task>("tasks", {
  saving: task => {
    task.lastUpdateDate = new Date();
    task.lastUpdateUser = remult.user?.name;
    task.lastUpdateOrigin = remult.context.origin; 

By leveraging module augmentation, you can tailor Remult to your specific needs, adding custom options and extending interfaces to suit your application's requirements.

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