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Step 1: Create a New SolidStart Project

Run the following command to initialize a new SolidStart project:

npm init solid@latest remult-solid-start

Answer the prompts as follows:

o  Is this a Solid-Start project?   Yes
o  Which template would you like to use?   basic
o  Use TypeScript?   Yes

Once completed, navigate to the project directory:

cd remult-solid-start

Step 2: Install Remult

To install the Remult package, run:

npm i remult

Step 3: Bootstrap Remult in the Backend

Remult is integrated into SolidStart using a catch-all dynamic API route, which passes API requests to a handler created using the remultSolidStart function.

  1. Create the Remult API Configuration File

    In the src directory, create a file named api.ts with the following code:

    // src/api.ts
    import { remultSolidStart } from 'remult/remult-solid-start'
    export const api = remultSolidStart({})
  2. Set Up the Catch-All API Route

    In the src/routes/api/ directory, create a file named [...remult].ts with the following code:

    // src/routes/api/[...remult].ts
    import { api } from '../../api.js'
    export const { POST, PUT, DELETE, GET } = api

Step 4: Enable TypeScript Decorators

  1. Install Babel Plugins for Decorators:

    npm i -D @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties
  2. Configure Babel Plugins in SolidStart:

    Add the following configuration to the app.config.ts file to enable TypeScript decorators:

    // app.config.ts
    import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config"
    export default defineConfig({
      solid: {
        babel: {
          plugins: [
            ["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { version: "legacy" }],

Setup Complete

Your SolidStart project is now set up with Remult and ready to run. You can now proceed to the next steps of building your application.

MIT Licensed | Made by the Remult team with ❤️