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Microsoft SQL Server

Step 1: Install Required Packages

Install knex and tedious to enable Microsoft SQL Server integration.

npm i knex tedious

Step 2: Configure the dataProvider

In your index.ts (or server file), configure the dataProvider to use Microsoft SQL Server with the following knex client configuration:

// index.ts

import express from "express"
import { remultExpress } from "remult/remult-express"
import { createKnexDataProvider } from "remult/remult-knex"

const app = express()

    dataProvider: createKnexDataProvider({
      // Knex client configuration for MSSQL
      client: "mssql",
      connection: {
        server: "", // SQL Server address
        database: "test", // Your database name
        user: "your_database_user", // SQL Server user
        password: "your_database_password", // Password for the SQL Server user
        options: {
          enableArithAbort: true, // Required option for newer versions of MSSQL
          encrypt: false, // Set to true if using Azure
          instanceName: "sqlexpress", // Optional: Define the SQL Server instance name

Step 3: Use an Existing knex Provider (Optional)

If you have an existing knex instance, you can easily integrate it with Remult like this:

import express from 'express'
import { KnexDataProvider } from 'remult/remult-knex'
import { remultExpress } from 'remult/remult-express'
import knex from 'knex'

const knexDb = knex({
  client: 'mssql', // Specify MSSQL as the client
  connection: {
    // Add your MSSQL connection details here
    server: '',
    user: 'your_database_user',
    password: 'your_database_password',
    database: 'test',

const app = express()

    dataProvider: new KnexDataProvider(knexDb), // Use your existing knex instance


  • tedious: The underlying driver used by knex to connect to SQL Server.
  • client: "mssql": Specifies that we are using Microsoft SQL Server.
  • createKnexDataProvider: Allows you to use knex to connect to SQL Server as the data provider for Remult.
  • options: The additional configuration for SQL Server, including enableArithAbort and encrypt.

This setup lets you easily connect Remult to Microsoft SQL Server using knex for query building and tedious as the driver.

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