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To set up PostgreSQL as the database provider for your Remult application, you'll need to configure the dataProvider property in the api.ts file.

Step 1: Install the node-postgres package

Run the following command to install the necessary PostgreSQL client for Node.js:

npm i pg

Step 2: Set the dataProvider Property

In the api.ts file, configure the dataProvider property to connect to your PostgreSQL database:

import express from "express"
import { remultExpress } from "remult/remult-express"
import { createPostgresDataProvider } from "remult/postgres"

const app = express()

const connectionString = "postgres://user:password@host:5432/database"

    dataProvider: createPostgresDataProvider({
      connectionString, // default: process.env["DATABASE_URL"]
      // configuration: {} // optional: a `pg.PoolConfig` object or "heroku"

Alternative: Use an Existing PostgreSQL Connection

If you already have a PostgreSQL connection set up, you can pass it directly to Remult:

import { Pool } from 'pg'
import { SqlDatabase } from 'remult'
import { PostgresDataProvider } from 'remult/postgres'
import { remultExpress } from 'remult/remult-express'

const pg = new Pool({
  connectionString: 'your-connection-string-here',

const app = express()

    dataProvider: new SqlDatabase(new PostgresDataProvider(pg)),

In this example, the pg.Pool is used to create the PostgreSQL connection, and SqlDatabase is used to interface with the PostgresDataProvider.

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