Example Apps
We have already a ton of examples! Pick and choose the one that fits your needs 😊
Todo MVC
CRM Demo
A fully featured CRM! Make sure to check out the link: Dev / Admin on top right!
Shadcn React Table
Using remult with server side sorting, filtering, paging & CRUD
TanStack React Table
Example of using remult with react table - most basic design, with server side sorting, paging & filtering
🚀 Ready to play
An environment to reproduce issues using stackblitz, with optional sqlite database
Group by Example
And example of the usage of groupBy
Todo for most frameworks
- React & Express
- React & bun & Hono
- Next.js (App Router)
- Next.js (Pages)
- Angular & Express
- Angular & Fastify
- Vue
- Nuxt3
- SvelteKit
- SolidStart