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Backend only code

One of the main advantages of remult is that you write code once, and it runs both on the server and in the browser.

However, if you are using a library that only works on the server, the fact that the same code is bundled to the frontend can cause problems. For example, when you build an Angular project, you'll get Module not found errors.

This article will walk through such a scenario and how it can be solved.

For this example, our customer would like us to document each call to the updatePriceOnBackend method in a log file.

Our first instinct would be to add in the products.controller.ts file an import to fs (Node JS file system component) and write the following code:

import * as fs from 'fs';
static async updatePriceOnBackend(priceToUpdate:number,remult?:Remult){
  let products = await remult.repo(Products).find();
  for (const p of products) {
      p.price.value += priceToUpdate;
  fs.appendFileSync('./logs/log.txt', new Date() + " " + + " update price\n");


As soon as we do that, we'll get the following errors on the ng-serve terminal

ERROR in ./src/app/products/products.controller.ts
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' in 'C:\try\test19\my-project\src\app\products'
i 「wdm」: Failed to compile.

We get this error because the fs module on which we rely here is only relevant in the remult of a Node JS server and not in the context of the browser.

There are two ways to handle this:

Solution 1 - exclude from bundler

Option 1 - exclude in vite.config

Instruct vite to exclude the server-only packages from the bundle

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react()],
  build: {    
    rollupOptions: {      
      external: ['fs', 'nodemailer', 'node-fetch'], 
  optimizeDeps: {    
    exclude: ['fs', 'nodemailer', 'node-fetch'], 

Option 2 - vite-plugin-stripper

vite-plugin-stripper is a vite plugin that can be used to remove contents of methods with the @BackendMethod decorator.

npm i --save-dev vite-plugin-stripper
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { stripper } from 'vite-plugin-stripper'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    stripper({ decorators: ['BackendMethod'] }), 

Solution 2 - abstract the call

Abstract the call and separate it to backend only files and inject it only when we are running on the server.

Step 1, abstract the call - We'll remove the import to fs, and instead of calling specific fs methods, we'll define and call a method writeToLog that describes what we are trying to do:

import * as fs from 'fs'; 

// We'll define an abstract `writeTiLog` function and use it in our code
static writeToLog:(textToWrite:string)=>void; 
static async updatePriceOnBackend(priceToUpdate:number,remult?:Remult){
  let products = await remult.repo(Products).find();
  for (const p of products) {
      p.price.value += priceToUpdate;
  fs.appendFileSync('./logs/log.txt', new Date() + " " + + " update price\n");  
  ProductsController.writeToLog(new Date() + " " + + " update price\n"); 

The method writeToLog that we've defined serves as a place holder which we'll assign to in the remult of the server. It receives one parameter of type string and returns void.

Step 2, implement the method: In the /src/app/server folder, we'll add a file called log-writer.ts with the following code:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import { ProductsController } from '../products/products.controller';
ProductsController.writeToLog = what => fs.appendFileSync('./logs/log.txt', what);

Here we set the implementation of the writeToLog method with the actual call to the fs module. This file is intended to only run on the server, so it'll not present us with any problem.

Step 3, load the log-writer.ts file: In the /src/app/server/server-init.ts file, load the log-writer.ts file using an import statement

import '../app.module';
import './log-writer'; //load the log-writer.ts file

import { Pool } from 'pg';
import { config } from 'dotenv';
import { PostgresDataProvider, PostgresSchemaBuilder } from '@remult/server-postgres';
import * as passwordHash from 'password-hash';

That's it - it'll work now.


If you're still getting an error - check that you have a logs folder on your project 😃

Additional Resources

Check out this YouTube video where I implemented a similar solution when running into the same problem using bcrypt

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